One Pot Meal

Last night I saw one of those Tasty-esque videos about how to make goulash, and it reminded me of a soup from a truck stop back home in Ontario, so I took that idea and I modified it into a cheeseburger tomato mac soup. 

I think this is the first true one pot meal that I have ever made and it was glorious, cleanup is such a breeze! 

  1. I started by browning hamburger with a small chopped opinion and some (a lot) of minced garlic on 5.5 on the stovetop in a large soup pot. On a personal note, I finally broke down and just bought a large container of minced garlic because mine was always drying out before I would get to it and that was usually because I didn’t want to peel and chop it :/ problem solved. 
  2. Once the onions had sweat down and the hamburger was all browned, I added about 5 cups of chicken broth. 
  3. Next I added a can of pasta sauce. 
  4. I stirred everything together and added garlic powder, onion powder, Mrs. Dash, parsley flakes, seasoning salt and pepper to taste. 
  5. I brought the pot to a simmer and added 3-4 cups of macaroni right into the pot. 
  6. I stirred every few minutes to see how it was thickening up and once the macaroni was fully cooked, I added 1.5 cups of a shredded mozzarella-cheddar blend and stirred into the mixture. 

The finished product, tada.

I made mine super thick, so of course if you would like it thinner you could: add another can of pasta sauce, add more water to the pot, add less pasta. Whatever suits you best! 

This dinner made for one happy husband, a happy me and some lucky friends who get to partake in some leftovers for lunch, oh yeah..and dinner tomorrow night for us too (and that’s saying something because I usually don’t like to eat the same thing two nights in a row). So good!