YYC Pizza Week Winner!

Hey guys, 

Sorry for the delay in posts, we just bought and moved into our very first house!  Our lives have been pretty hectic in the last few weeks and it has made it pretty difficult to get in the kitchen much or write posts but I will be back soon I promise!

I’m sure you all remember my last post, the creation of my No Vampires Allowed pizza for the YYC Pizza Week Food Bloggers Challenge, mmm. I was notified about 1.5 weeks ago that all of your votes for me had paid off and I placed 1st out of the 15 food bloggers who had participated. I am completely blown away by the win, since at least some of the others are more experienced than I am and have been operating blogs longer, but I proved that you shouldn’t ever count yourself out!


So again, I apologize for being away but wanted to announce this on my blog and thank you all so much for helping me to make this happen! My friends, family and followers are amazing!

Keep an eye out, a blog post will be coming soon!