Corned Beef Brisket

Matt and I were at the local Co-op and we noticed that there were some corned beef briskets that were 50% off.  Of course, we couldn’t pass up the deal so naturally we ended up with 2 of them.  When we got home, I was so stumped as to what to actually do with them so I of course turned to Google.  The most common thing I was finding was that I should boil it with cabbage which is a traditional Irish dish, but that’s really not what I was looking to get from it so I turned to Facebook.  I had a bunch of good suggestions, also some tips on soaking to remove excess salt which was fantastic but I still wasn’t sure that I was getting what I was looking for so I turned to co-workers and I got an answer I wanted.

My co-worker Anita told me that she slow cooks hers and then cuts up the meat for sandwiches, now THAT is something I was looking for from this slab of meat!  She had different suggestions such as putting racks into the slow cooker so that the meat is essentially just being steamed but I took the different route and I just decided to add some garlic powder, pepper and onion powder onto the top and wrapped it in aluminum foil and placed it into water in the slow cooker.  I liked the idea of it being steamed, but I also wanted it to be able to cook in it’s own delicious fatty juices.

When they say that a corned beef brisket will shrink when cooked, they REALLY meant that.  We were both really surprised by how much smaller it became but after a good 8 hours in the slow cooker on low, it was finally ready to be enjoyed!

We took the brisket out and put it onto the cutting board to let it rest a few minutes before cutting it up into chunks for sandwiches and of course for some tasting pieces.  My mother in law is generally somewhat picky about what she eats, and even she had to try a piece when it was done!  It tasted fantastic!  We just buttered bread, then put the meat on and covered it in mustard.  OMG, it was delicious.  The only complaint is that because it is such a fatty meat, my stomach didn’t handle it super well but I will definitely do it again!

I’ve never had a piece of meat stump me so much before, but now that we know what to do with it, it may become a semi regular food on our menu!  Try it out guys!

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