The Donut Mill


I have lived in Alberta for just over 8 years, so it’s hard to believe that with all of my trips through Red Deer that I only discovered how amazing this place is around 2 years ago exactly with Sarah on the way back from a work event.

Sarah and I had gone to Edmonton for the night and on the way back we had agreed that we would stop and try a donut. I think we actually ended up with 4 donuts and shared all of them so we could get the full experience and as soon as I took my first bite, I was hooked.

The donuts remind me of when Tim Hortons made everything fresh and used real whipped cream in their donuts for filling. The donut mill has a chocolate eclair and it is basically a bow tie which I used to absolutely love from timmys. The difference is, The Donut Mill still makes them like this.

I absolutely cannot pass through now without stopping, especially since I have hooked my mother in law as well.

My husband and I have actually made the 1.5 drive just for these babies. Why can’t it be closer?

We started branching out and trying different donuts but the whipped cream filled are probably my fave. The jelly donut is fantastic and the apple pie one is to die for!  It is so great to have found such great quality donuts so close to home. Although I do wish it was closer, my scale and waistline are happy it isn’t.

If you are driving through Red Deer, you will see the mill on the side of the road at Gasoline Alley. Do yourself a favour and stop.

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