It’s BBQ Season!

Today, I was driving to pick Matt up from work and realized what a beautiful day it was, +13 and sunny skies at 5:30 pm.  We had planned originally to come home and cook fish which we already have but I just couldn’t resist the urge to BBQ in this beautiful weather.

On the way home, we decided to stop off at the local Coop and visit the meat department and get a beautiful striploin from the butcher there.  I’m not going to lie, grilling is a blue job in a lot of households but not ours.  I am a master griller and it’s hard for me to give that job up!

Mmmm...look at this chunk of meat!
Mmmm…look at this chunk of meat!

We decided that we would only get 1 steak as we usually only eat half anyways and then end up taking the rest for lunch but I’m having pizza for lunch tomorrow (thanks work!), so we only need to worry about dinner today.  We chose to do loaded baked potatoes and macaroni salad for sides.  If it were a weekend, and we had more time, I would have probably either actually baked the potatoes or actually made the salad BUT since it was already 7pm, the more shortcuts we could take, the better.

I cooked the potatoes in the microwave. Hey, that’s gotta be ok, there is a setting on the microwave for it! While they were cooking, I seasoned the steak with garlic powder, onion powder and Red Robin seasoning (man, I really need an endorsement deal for this!) on both sides.  When the potatoes were done, I took them out, cut them down the center and put butter and lots of cheese inside both and seasoned with the same seasonings as the steak and wrapped them in tin foil to throw on the BBQ while the steak cooked to melt the cheese, mmmm…cheese.

I went outside to put the steak and potatoes on the BBQ while my husband cooked up some bacon to use as bacon bits on the baked potatoes.  I have become a masker crosshatch marker as of late, so I use my skills whenever possible!  We like to eat our steak around the medium/medium rare mark and I basically nailed it tonight.  I always make sure to render the fat on the steak as well by turning it on it’s side for a minute or two to make it more delicious.

I took the steak and potatoes off, went inside to dress the potatoes and scoop some macaroni salad onto my plate and dinner was served!


The steak was seasoned very well, I could have almost used a little more salt but it was fantastic.  We topped our cheesy potatoes with sour cream and the bacon bits made by Matt and our meal was complete!

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